SAGES Annual Science Meeting 2022 will be held in Malmaison, Dundee on Tuesday 3rd – Thursday 5th May 2022.
The event will begin with a drinks reception on the deck of RSS Discovery on the Tuesday evening . The conference will take place in Malmaison on Wednesday and Thursday with a conference dinner on Wednesday evening.
Our research themes & Forums will showcase the breadth of SAGES research.
All sessions to lead with invited “Keynote” cross-sectoral, interdisciplinary presentations.
The conference schedule can be viewed here: SAGES_ASM2022_schedule_FINAL
Themes 1 & 4 – Land, Landscapes and Societal Interactions
Coming soon
Theme 2 & Source to Sea Carbon Forum – Carbon
Following the COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland continues to take world-leading action on Climate Change (zero net CO2 by 2045) with increased investment in low-carbon energy. Our Theme 2 ‘Carbon’ session seeks to address:
We therefore seek abstracts from the theme members to be presented at the SAGES 2022 Annual Science Meeting in a form of poster and/or presentation.
Theme 3, CESD, FIORD Forum & Validate Forum – Earth Systems: Ice, Land, Ocean & Atmosphere
Scientific evidence needs to remain at the core of government decisions on the environment and climate change. SAGES had an important presence at COP26, presenting our best understanding about how the Earth functions and is responding to increasing temperatures, and has a strong profile across national and international science and policy settings. This session will examine the breadth of earth system science in the SAGES community through observation to integrated and modelling studies of the complexities of the highly-coupled ice-land-ocean-atmosphere system. Investigations may range from focussed single discipline approaches investigating specific processes through to integrated studies that link the complex systems of Earth. The session welcomes all contributions, from those having a fundamental science focus, to those with more direct societal and policy implications at local, national, regional or international level – these could relate to communities, Scottish Government policies, European directives or Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports.
Integrated Water Cycle Management Forum & Health and Wellbeing Forum
Moving Forward from COP26: Learning Lessons and Achieving Net Zero Carbon Emissions
With the 26th UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) now in the rear-view mirror, the legacy is clear. Climate is changing, and sea levels are rising. Extreme events like storms, droughts, wildfires, intense heat are affecting more people, with the impacts of these being geographically and socially uneven. Improvements in water resource management have the potential to reduce climate risks by enhancing adaptation to the impacts of climate change and by improving the long-term health of the planet. The world needs to focus on catchment management to address the climate crisis effectively, and social and environmental justice are first-order priorities for policy and decision-making around climate change at both national and international levels. Yet the complex interdependencies between climate change, water and other social and environmental factors continue to present a challenge for researchers, policy makers and practitioners.
This year the Integrated Water Cycle Management Fora is inviting poster and oral presentations that demonstrate one or more of the following:
a) Research that has led to new knowledge and understandings which have improved or have the potential to improve any aspect of water resource management to help reduce the risks posed by climate change,
b) The ways in which Scotland is leading the way to achieving net zero carbon emissions through innovative solutions, including but not limited to:
c) What needs to be done to ensure that water resource management, and transitions to net zero are socially and environmentally just.18:00 – 20:00 Ice-breaker event. Deck of RSS Discovery – Welcome
09:30 – 12:30 Session 1: T1+T4 “Land, Landscapes and Societal Interactions”
12:30 – 14:00 Lunch + posters
14:00 – 16:00 Session 2: T3+CESD+FIORD+Validate “Earth Systems: Ice, Land, Ocean, Atmosphere”
16:00 – 16:15 Session 3: Poster pop-ups
16:00-17:30: Session 3: Poster session with drinks & canapes
19:00 Conference dinner, Malmaison09:30 – 13:00 Session 4: T2 + S2S Carbon. “Carbon”
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 16:00 Session 5: “Integrated Water Cycle Management + Health and Wellbeing”
16:00 – 16:30 Prizes
16:30 Event ends
Registration is open to SAGES & SEFARI members.
Registration opens: 20 January 2022
Registration deadline: 18 April 2022
Register at
Members are invited to submit an abstract, oral or poster on the one page pptx ASM 2022_Submission_Template
Abstract submissions open: 20 January 2022
Abstract submission deadline: 28 February 2022
Oral presentations will be grouped into four sessions:
Poster presentations will be ungrouped
Please complete the following electronic form to submit your abstract;